Faith Inspire is a Muslim organisation that engages in community outreach, promotes spiritual growth and actively works for social change.
Our vision & Mission
To see an exemplary
Muslim community in
Britain that contributes
to a society where all
people flourish.
Muslim community in
Britain that contributes
to a society where all
people flourish.
To see an exemplary Muslim community in Britain that contributes to a society where all people flourish.
What is Faith Inspire?
Faith Inspire is a voluntary not-for-profit organisation that engages in community outreach, promotes spiritual growth and actively contributes to society.
It has an ambitious vision for an exemplary Muslim community in Britain that contributes to a society where all people flourish.
Faith Inspire aims to develop, inspire and empower individuals to be active contributors and change makers in society. It provides individuals with opportunities for community service, youth leadership, interfaith initiatives, and civic engagement.
As such, Faith Inspire has the following as its goals:
1. Promoting a balanced understanding of Islam
2. Developing volunteers and leaders
3. Providing social hubs for the family
4. Developing institutions and services that advance mutual understanding and dialogue
5. Work for the common good and contributing positively to society
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Let’s work together to create an exemplary Muslim community in Britain.
Support us
Support our work by donating to:
- Account: Faith Inspire
- Account no: 60200316
- Sort code: 60-80-07
Support our GoFundMe page.