Events and campaigns
“Whoever takes a path upon which to obtain knowledge, Allah makes the path to Paradise easy for him.” Messenger of Allah (ﷺ)
Faith Inspire’s ‘Reach out to Help Out’ campaign
Faith Inspire announces the launch of its ‘Reach Out to Help Out’ campaign. This is a grass roots initiative to encourage people to support their local communities in this challenging time. Individuals are being asked to reach out to others in their community, offering support and assistance to the elderly and vulnerable, and supporting local community causes.
Campaign director, Junaid Baig said, “The UK is currently in its third national lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic, with many Britons once again isolated from their wider communities. Many are dependent on help and support from their local network, hence our call to ‘Reach Out to Help Out’”
Reach Out to Help Out promotes the following five actions:
- Send a text message to people within your network, to check-in on them and ensure they are well
- Call friends and family that may be isolated or going through some other hardship during the national lockdown, and offer to cook or shop for them if possible
- Reach out to local community causes and charities, offer your support as a volunteer or make a donation
- Distribute a Faith Inspire Community Companions contact card to your neighbours, especially the elderly and vulnerable in your area – contact cards can be found here
- Make dua to Allah that he helps us persevere through this hardship and grants us protection from all calamities
If your organisation would like to support this initiative, please reach out to us:
Junaid Baig – Campaign Director: 07891309368
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Online Youth Circle for Ages 13-17
Weekly study circle covering topics such as Islamic Faith, Quran, Hadiths, Seerah and more
- Quiz
- Games
- Discussions
Girls on Friday from 5pm to 6pm
Boys on Tuesday from 5.30pm – 6.3pm
Free via Zoom online
Once registered, the joining instruction will be provided via email on the day of the respective circle.
Register below: or CLICK HERE

Weekly study circle covering topics such as Islamic Faith, Quran, Hadiths, Seerah and more
- Quiz
- Games
- Discussions
Girls on Friday from 5pm to 6pm
Boys on Tuesday from 5.30pm – 6.3pm
Free via Zoom online
Once registered, the joining instruction will be provided via email on the day of the respective circle.
CLICK HERE to register now

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Let’s work together to create an exemplary Muslim community in Britain.
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Support our work by donating to:
- Account: Faith Inspire
- Account no: 60200316
- Sort code: 60-80-07
Support our GoFundMe page.