Volunteer with Faith Inspire
Volunteering for the sake of Allah for worthy and noble cause, is a perquisite to being a good Muslim and following the footsteps of our beloved Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) as mentioned “Whoever directs someone to do good will gain the same reward as the one who does good.” (Muslim). With that in mind and doing good and gaining rewards we have various roles and responsibilities available and from time that suits you and us.
This includes and not exclusive below are some examples of roles:
– Supporting young people on sessions
– Organising events to activities like our fun days, treks and talks
– Attending meetings
– Planning team meetings
– And more
As an organisation, we will provide support and advice and will be allocated a lead who will manage the roles and expectations as well as the following benefits:
– Personal Development programme including courses on various Islamic disciplines
– Access to discounts at events and activities
– Access to Change makers programme for better understanding of wider context
– Yearly family residential weekend
– And more
InshaAllah we hope by volunteering with us, your able to become a member of Faith Inspire family and contribute towards a more flourishing Muslim community in the UK.
Once the form has been completed, we will be in touch within 14 days InshaAllah, if not please welcome to email us sooner.
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Let’s work together to create an exemplary Muslim community in Britain.
Support us
Support our work by donating to:
- Account: Faith Inspire
- Account no: 60200316
- Sort code: 60-80-07
Support our GoFundMe page.