SIRAAT Faith Inspire Youth Circle
Empowering young Muslims to live life with knowledge and purpose.

Registrations now open.
About the circle
The SIRAAT youth circles are sessions where young people can come to unwind from the pressures of school, social life, and family life. We aim to provide a safe space where young Muslims can gather to meet like-minded individuals, enjoy themselves, and learn about different aspects of life and Islam. With a mixture of classroom-based sessions and excursion trips, the SIRAAT programme is the perfect place to send your child so they can connect with their Deen and make lifelong friends.
Surely Allah is my Lord and your Lord, therefore serve Him; this is the right path. (3:51)
The Curriculum
The SIRAAT programme runs through term time and consists of the following:
6 content based sessions
Content can be either an Islamic topic or a relevant non-Islamic topic. E.g. life of the Prophets, setting up a business, climate change, History of Islam, etc.
The main focus of each session will be an activity to encourage interaction, teamwork, and discussion.
There is the option to earn prizes for the activities that are eligible.
Covered by fees
4 non-content based sessions
Sessions that may be classroom based or outside the venue
Sessions based on practical skills or activities. E.g. sports activities, cooking, event management, etc.
Parents will be notified in advance of where we will be
Covered by fees
2 excursions
Sessions outside the venue
Entertaining activities/days out. E.g. family picnic, barbecue, go-karting, bowling, etc.
Parents will be notified in advance of where we will be
Parents will be asked to pay to contribute to the cost of these excursions.
The Expectation
The SIRAAT programme is intended to be a safe and enjoyable atmosphere for the young people. This includes boys and girls, and so we expect all participants to be respectful of one another, respectful to the team delivering the programme, and behave in a manner that is befitting a Muslim.
We have designed the SIRAAT programme to cause the least hassle and inconvenience to the young people. We line up the SIRAAT terms with the academic terms in the school calendar, accounting for half term and end of term breaks. However, we are aware that some of our participants may have revision to do or exams to sit, and so we understand that there may be some absences throughout the duration of the programme. Parents are encouraged to inform us of any planned absences by the night before the SIRAAT programme at the latest. But absences from excursions will require a minimum 48 hour notice.
The Locations
The SIRAAT sessions will primarily be in a single venue. However, for our non-content based sessions, we may opt to have sessions at different venues or in different areas, parents will be notified of this in advance.
Venue is in Barking
The Details
Every session will be:
Time: 11am – 1pm
Day: Sunday
Frequency: Weekly
Term time only (Half term breaks)
Applicants must be 12 – 16
Frequently Asked Questions
I have two children, is there any discount?
The programme has already been heavily subsidised, and along with regular sessions, it also includes an excursion, so unfortunately, we are unable to offer any further discounts for additional children.
We can, however, offer further subsidies to those unable to afford the full price. We welcome you to email us at and we will review each case on its own merit.
Is there segregation in the classroom?
Boys and girls are seated on different sides of the room. Our team of facilitators is made up of brothers and sisters who are all trained and will deal with their relevant groups.
The course aims to instil the values of modesty and good Islamic manners in this regard.
Are the sessions held during school half-term breaks?
To ensure young people have a natural break, we have decided not to deliver sessions during half-term breaks, allowing students to spend quality time at home with their families.
We will be following the respective local authority academic calendar. Timetables will be provided for the year, at the start of the session to parents.
We take a break on the first weekend of the half term and return to sessions on the weekend at the end of the half term.
There are excursions and trips. When will they take place and will you cover transport and lunch?
We try to book excursions and trips within London, however some excursions may require us to leave London. E.g. a visit to a theme park.
Parents will be asked to pay to help us cover the cost if their child will be attending. Faith Inspire will subsidise half the cost. E.g. If a ticket costs £10, parents may be asked to pay £5.
Non-content based trips will be covered by Faith Inspire, but parents will be required to drop off and collect children unless arranged otherwise.
My children have allergies and/or medical conditions, is this taken into consideration?
We will ask parents to complete a registration form to detail any allergies or medical conditions, however you are welcome to speak to the leaders for clarity.
We will try our best to accommodate the students’ needs. If however, we are unable to, we shall be in touch.
My child has special educational needs and requires support?
We are unfortunately not in a position to support children with SEN, as this requires a specialist to be with us during all of the sessions. We are unable to cover the cost of this on this occasion, but it is something we shall endeavour to work on in the future Insha’Allah.
Do we need to pick up our child from the centre or can they leave when the session ends?
It is the responsibility of the parents to decide how best the child gets home. We would not be able to stay longer than 15 minutes at the premises after the session ends.
How will you communicate with parents?
The main way we communicate with parents will be via a parents’ WhatsApp group. It is important parents provide the right number when signing up their child so we can add them to the group and inform them of any information/changes to the programme. If we are not able to reach you via your phone number, we will chase up via email.
What if my child misbehaves?
We will give a warning to students who misbehave, however, with any incident deemed to be serious, we shall endeavour to arrange a meeting with the student and parents to discuss the best way forward.
My child does not wish to participate any longer on the programme, how should this be managed?
Please inform us at your earliest convenience, and we would be happy to discuss what we can do to better accommodate the student’s needs.
SIRAAT is designed to accommodate for any changes in a young person’s lifestyle. However, we will not refund any fees paid or any payments relating to excursions after the 48 hour notice deadline.
Can parents accompany the child for any sessions?
Due to safeguarding issues, and the well-being and development of the child, unfortunately parents are not allowed to attend any of the sessions at the venue. However, we may occasionally request volunteers for our non-content based sessions, and will allow parents to attend excursions on the condition that they cover their own costs.
If the programme has started can I still join?
Yes, we accept applicants throughout the programme and costs will be adjusted to reflect the remaining sessions.
We welcome suggestions or any enquiries on the details of the events we hold. For further information or any concerns, please email us at or call/text 0748 321 5770 and we’ll get back to you within 2-3 days.
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- Account: Faith Inspire
- Account no: 60200316
- Sort code: 60-80-07
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