
As a grassroots organisation, Faith Inspire gains its strength from its volunteers and members. Becoming a Faith Inspire member instils a sense of responsibility in an individual and provides a feeling of community.

Membership entitles an individual to participate in the decision-making process of their local hub, to hold key leadership positions, and gain access to numerous resources provided by Faith Inspire. Membership of Faith Inspire is open to Muslims in Britain who are committed to the organisation’s Vision, Mission and Values. Members pay a small membership fee, which helps sustain the organisation. The majority of Faith Inspire activities and programmes are open to the public, with some being limited to members only.

Join us and let your Faith Inspire you.

Here’s THREE things you can do right now.

1). For more information and to get involved by attending/volunteering, contact us via:

Facebook: Faith Inspire
Twitter: @faithinspire16
Instagram: faithinspire16

2). Set up a standing order or donate direct to our bank account to support us in our work:

  • Account Name: Faith Inspire
  • Account Number: 60200316
  • Sort Code: 60-80-07

3). Simply click the button below and make a real difference today.